Από το twttr στο thefacebook και το Google!

Από το twttr στο thefacebook και το Google!
BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Historic Facebook page. They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users. These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam). newsteam - NTI

Πως ήταν οι πιο διάσημες ιστοσελίδες πριν λίγα χρόνια; Τι έχει αλλάξει; Σας θυμίζουν τίποτα... Δεν έχουν περάσει παρά λίγα χρόνια (Pics)

Οι περισσότεροι από εμάς τις έχουμε προλάβει στην αρχική τους σχεδίαση. Ιστοσελίδες που επισκεπτόμαστε καθημερινά έχουν αλλάξει ριζικά μέσα σε λίγα χρόνια… δείχνοντας μας την εξέλιξη στην τεχνολογία!

Η Βρετανική Daily Mail μάζεψε ιστοσελίδες με μεγάλη επισκεψιμότητα για να μας αποδείξει πόσο ραγδαία είναι η εξέλιξη στα γραφικά και  στον προγραμματισμό που κρύβεται πίσω από αυτά μέσα σε λίγα χρόνια.

Είναι δύσκολο να πιστέψει κανείς ότι αυτά δεν είναι  προϊστορικές  ιστοσελίδες που  εξελίχθηκαν μέσα σε λίγα χρόνια με  δισεκατομμύρια  επισκέψεις τώρα.

Ποιος θυμάται την Google; Κάποτε είχε θαυμαστικό – Google! Και ήταν κάπως έτσι.

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Historic Google page. They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users. These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam). newsteam - NTI

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Live Google page. They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users. These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam). newsteam - NTI

Η Amazon, “το μεγαλύτερο βιβλιοπωλείο της Γης” κάποτε ήταν μονόχρωμο. Είχε απλό συνδυασμό χρωμάτων και έδινε έμφαση στο στο κείμενο και όχι στις εικόνες.

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Historic amazon page. They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users. These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam). newsteam - NTI

Η Amazon, η οποία πωλεί πλέον εκατομμύρια προϊόντα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων  παιχνιδιών, ηλεκτρονικών, ρολογιών κλπ,  υπερηφανευόταν το 1994 ότι η γκάμα της αποτελείτο από “ένα εκατομμύριο τίτλους”.

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Live amazon page. They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users. These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam). newsteam - NTI

Το 2004 εμφανίστηκε το thefacebook, ιδέα του Mark Zuckerberg. Σήμερα ονομάζεται Facebook και έχει περισσότερους από 800 εκατομμύρια ενεργούς χρήστες. Παρ’ ολο τις συχνές μετατροπές του τα χρώματά του, λευκό και μπλε, παραμένουν σχεδόν αμετάβλητα.

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Historic Facebook page. They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users. These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam). newsteam - NTI

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Live Facebook page. They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users. These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam). newsteam - NTI


Μεγάλες είναι και οι διαφορές στο Myspace το οποίο δεν μοιάζει καθόλου με αυτό που ήταν το 2003.

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Historic myspace page. They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users. These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam). newsteam - NTI

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Live myspace page. They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users. These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam). newsteam - NTI


Tεράστιες αλλαγές υπάρχουν και στην αρχική σελίδα του Twitter. Το 2005 είχε ένα παράξενο  λογότυπο χρώματος πράσινου και λευκού. Και πως το έγραφαν; “Twttr”!

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Historic twitter page. They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users. These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam). newsteam - NTI

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Live twitter page. They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users. These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam). newsteam - NTI


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