Δονητής με θύρα USB

Δονητής με θύρα USB
05_Flatbed_WEB - August Original Filename: lovecrave_02.jpgvia Flatbed Web Credit - lovecrave.com The Duet Vibrator and USB cord in one, created by Crave n a world where high technology and luxury design seem to touch every corner of our lives, the most intimate experiences should be no exception. The current landscape of adult products often feels over-the-top: the kind of products you end up hiding under your bed, feeling like a teenager with a dirty magazine. We were craving something better: something beautiful, something discreet, something environmentally friendly, and something fun. In this spirit, Crave was born. At Crave, we make elegant, sensual products that invite you to touch and experience instead of hiding them awaytoys so beautiful and discreet they could live in your purse or your vanity. And whether you're new to toys or an erotic connoisseur, our vision is to provide an array of products and experiences that help you feel even more confident and energized in your sexual journey. Because if anything deserves good design, it's the things we bring to bed with us. 05_Flatbed_WEB - August Original Filename: lovecrave_02.jpgvia Flatbed Web Credit - lovecrave.com The Duet Vibrator and USB cord in one, created by Crave n a world where high technology and luxury design seem to touch every corner of our lives, the most intimate experiences should be no exception. The current landscape of adult products often feels over-the-top: the kind of products you end up hiding under your bed, feeling like a teenager with a dirty magazine. We were craving something better: something beautiful, something discreet, something environmentally friendly, and something fun. In this spirit, Crave was born. At Crave, we make elegant, sensual products that invite you to touch and experience instead of hiding them awaytoys so beautiful and discreet they could live in your purse or your vanity. And whether you're new to toys or an erotic connoisseur, our vision is to provide an array of products and experiences that help you feel even more confident and energized in your sexual journey. Because if anything deserves good design, it's the things we bring to bed with us.

Αποθηκευτικό χώρο 16GB, θα διαθέτει το νέο μοντέλο δονητή που αναμένεται σύντομα στις ΗΠΑ. Το μεγάλο παράπονο των γυναικών (Pic)

Το Duet είναι ένας νέος, κομψός, πολλαπλών ταχυτήτων, αδιάβροχος δονητής, που οπτικά δεν διαφέρει από τους άλλους.

Ποια είναι όμως η καινοτομία; Συνδυάζει παράλληλα και ένα  USB drive αποθηκευτικού χώρου 16GB!

Σχεδιαστές του οι Ti Chang και ο  Michael Topolovac οι οποίοι  συνειδητοποίησαν ότι το μεγαλύτερο παράπονο  των γυναικών που χρησιμοποιούν δονητές είναι  ότι τις ενοχλούν τα καλώδια των συσκευών φόρτισης.

05_Flatbed_WEB - August Original Filename: lovecrave_01.jpgvia Flatbed Web Credit - lovecrave.com The Duet Vibrator and USB cord in one, created by Crave n a world where high technology and luxury design seem to touch every corner of our lives, the most intimate experiences should be no exception. The current landscape of adult products often feels over-the-top: the kind of products you end up hiding under your bed, feeling like a teenager with a dirty magazine. We were craving something better: something beautiful, something discreet, something environmentally friendly, and something fun. In this spirit, Crave was born. At Crave, we make elegant, sensual products that invite you to touch and experience instead of hiding them awaytoys so beautiful and discreet they could live in your purse or your vanity. And whether you're new to toys or an erotic connoisseur, our vision is to provide an array of products and experiences that help you feel even more confident and energized in your sexual journey. Because if anything deserves good design, it's the things we bring to bed with us. 05_Flatbed_WEB - August Original Filename: lovecrave_01.jpgvia Flatbed Web Credit - lovecrave.com The Duet Vibrator and USB cord in one, created by Crave n a world where high technology and luxury design seem to touch every corner of our lives, the most intimate experiences should be no exception. The current landscape of adult products often feels over-the-top: the kind of products you end up hiding under your bed, feeling like a teenager with a dirty magazine. We were craving something better: something beautiful, something discreet, something environmentally friendly, and something fun. In this spirit, Crave was born. At Crave, we make elegant, sensual products that invite you to touch and experience instead of hiding them awaytoys so beautiful and discreet they could live in your purse or your vanity. And whether you're new to toys or an erotic connoisseur, our vision is to provide an array of products and experiences that help you feel even more confident and energized in your sexual journey. Because if anything deserves good design, it's the things we bring to bed with us.


Έτσι δημιούργησαν το δονητή που φορτίζεται παντού απλά και διακριτικά με μια υποδοχή USB.

Διατίθεται σε μεγάλη  ποικιλία χρωμάτων και είναι διακριτικός. Οι δύο σχεδιαστές ένωσαν τις δυνάμεις τους, ώστε κάθε γυναίκα να έχει τη δυνατότητα να αυτοϊκανοπειται διακριτικά, σχεδόν παντού.

Το προϊόν αναμένεται να κυκλοφορήσει στις ΗΠΑ τον προσεχή Οκτώβριο!

Ροή Ειδήσεων
